He Makes All Things New Ministry


He Makes All Things New Ministry

About Howard

Formerly incarcerated for twenty years and having experienced encouragement and strength from the faith based volunteer community, as well as what I experienced with the fellowship of believers on the inside, as a free man today, I feel compelled to try to encourage and help those still incarcerated, and others, with the message of hope and healing we find and can experience in Jesus Christ.


I am reminded of a story in 2 Kings (7:3-16) of the four lepers sitting outside the city gates of Samaria during a time of severe famine. These men decided to go into the enemy camp in hopes of being shown mercy and getting something to eat. God was working behind the scenes and when the men arrived at the camp all the host of the Syrians had fled. The men began to eat and drink. Then they said, “This is a day of good news and we are not doing what is right if we don’t go tell the others”…

     As a former inmate, as a leper who has been healed, as a beggar who found bread, as a sinner who found salvation, as one who found hope, as one who found peace, as one who found healing, as one who found life in Jesus Christ, this is a day of good news and it would be so wrong if I don’t tell others about it.

     So after much prayer and seeking God’s will and plan for our lives, my wife, Mary, and I began this new ministry. He Makes All Things Ministry is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian ministry whose purpose and mission is to offer the hope and healing and new life that is found in a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, to the incarcerated community, along with the general population, who need help and healing. We are doing this through speaking engagements, personal correspondence and counseling, monthly newsletters, and financially supporting re-entry ministries already in place. Our ministry goal is to assist those released from prison to transition successfully into the community and to live successful lives by teaching the disciplines and principals found in the Bible.